Chinese Characters Illustrate Bible Truths
Some cultures by custom give new names to their children at set times in their lives. A new name may mark a boy’s passage from childhood to adulthood, or an adult’s passage to respected elder. Buddhist cultures offer “new names” for the afterlife.
In the Bible Jesus Christ promises new names for his faithful ones who “win the victory” in the battle between good and evil (Revelation 2:17; 3:12; cf Isaiah 62:2-3). The origin of the Chinese character for “name” 名mei, na seems to include ideas central to the new names which Jesus promises. It is made from夕shi , sacrificial meat, and口sai., a container for written prayers. These elements show that 名mei depicts a religious ceremony to formally install someone as a member of an ethnic family by bestowing a new name which bound the character and name to the recipient forever. 夕shi, the sacrificial meat offering, became a shared meal in the presence of deity.
In the time of Jesus Christ, naming and dedication of the first born child in his Jewish culture included a sacrificial offering. In the case of Jesus, the naming ceremony and circumcision were on the eighth day, and dedication of the first born and sacrificial offerings a few weeks later at the temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2:21-22).. The Bible teaches that because Jesus overcame ultimate evil by his sacrifice of himself and subsequent resurrection that “God raised him to the highest place above and gave him the name that is greater than any other name” (Philippians 2:9).
It is this Jesus of the ultimate new name who promises to those who win the victory “a white stone on which is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it” (Rev. 2:17). Furthermore his promised “new naming” bestows upon his victorious faithful “…the name of my God and…name of the city of my God, the new Jersusalem…out of heaven from my God. I will also write on him my new name” (Rev. 3:12). –P. Dean
文化によって、習慣上、人生のしかるべき時期を迎えると、子供達に新し い名前をつける場合があります。子供から大人へ移行する時期にそうする文化もありますし、熟年から老年へと移行する時期に与える文化もあります。仏教文化 では後の世での新しい名前、つまり「戒名」を授けます。
聖書によれば、イエスは自らの命を献げ、復活して究極の悪に打ち勝ったので、「神はキリストを高く上げ、あらゆる名にまさる名をお与えになりました」(フィリピ2:9)とあります。この究極の名を持つイエスが勝利を得る者に約束しているのです。「白い小石を与えよう。その小石には、これを受ける者の他には誰にも分からぬ新しい名前が記されている」(ヨハネの黙示録2:17)。「勝利を得る者を私の神の神殿の柱にしよう。彼はもう決して外へ出る事はない。私はその者の上に、私の神の名と、私の神の都、すなわち、神のもとから出て天から下って来る新しいエルサレムの名、そして、私の新しい名を書き記そう」(ヨハネの黙示録3:12)。 –P.ディーン